Thrown out Back?
When someone says they have “thrown out their back,” this means that they have strained their lower back muscles. Throwing out your back can be an excruciating experience; I say this with first-hand knowledge of the pain in which this injury causes.
You can sprain your back by having poor posture during physical activities, twisting the wrong way when playing golf, or stretching the back to its limit. The most common way to get a sprained lower back is lifting weights that are too heavy for you.
No matter the accident that led to your back giving out, the pain and treatments of a thrown out back is the same; to ensure that the pain you’re going through is actually from a sprained back, you must visit the hospital for an appropriate diagnosis. If your symptoms include numbness in the legs and hips or loss of bladder control, please endeavor to see your doctor as these are signs of neurological damage.
Fortunately for all victims of thrown-out backs, the sudden and acute pain assaulting the lumbar region of your spine, just slightly above the pelvis and below the ribs, doesn’t last forever; the sprain takes about four to six weeks to heal. You can speed up the recovery process by following the steps we will look at in this article.

What Exactly Happens When One Throws Out Their Back?
You can throw out your back from something as apparent as lifting heavy loads to little things like twisting or bending in the wrong direction. These positions strain your lower back muscle; your body then tries to protect the back, which houses the spine from further injuries, so it spasms as a defense mechanism.
A spasm or spasmodic pain is an unexpected and involuntary contraction of a muscle, muscle group, or a hollow organ like the heart. It can occur in any body part and is caused by a range of medical conditions like dystonia; it is most common in muscle cramps and strained backs. Spasms are typically accompanied by acute pain and stiffness.
What To Do After You Throw Your Back Out
Throwing out your back will most likely disorientate and confuse you, but it is necessary to keep your wits because you will need to carry out some treatment procedures to ensure your back heals appropriately.
Here are some tips you should follow immediately the spasmodic pain hits you:
● Rest
The most important thing to do after throwing your back out is rest. Drop everything, crawl under a warm blanket and rest on your side. Taking a break helps reduce inflammation and speeds up recovery.
● Listen To Your Body
Pay attention to your body’s reaction after getting a strained back. Do not twist or bend your body into positions that spike the pain.
● Apply Ice
Place an ice pack or a clothed bottle of cold water at the lumbar region of your back, just directly above your pelvis.
Don’t hold the ice directly on your skin as this can cause damage; cover the ice or your back with a cloth and leave for about 10 to 15 minutes. The application of cold to the affected area helps ease pain and slow down spasms.
● Take an Anti-inflammatory Drug
Anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen ( Motrin and Advil), Meloxicam (Mobic), Aspirin (Ecotrin), Naproxen (Naprosyn), and Celecoxib (Celebrex) will reduce inflammation and fasten the healing process. Other alternatives like food-based anti-inflammatory supplements can help with the pain.
Remember, taking painkillers like Tylenol will relieve pain but won’t reduce inflammation.
● Take Pressure of Your Back
Before sleeping, use pillows to support and take the pressure off your back. You can either place a pillow behind your back or sleep with a pillow between your legs. Avoid laying on your stomach as this position doesn’t help relax your lower back muscles; laying on your side is a better alternative.
● Exercise/Stretch

Performing slow, stretching exercises increases blood flow and releases the stiff muscles of your injured back. Exercises like dog-cow stretches, knee to chest stretches, lying twist stretch, and heel touches are perfect for strain back muscles.
How To Prevent Future Accidents
Nobody deserves to experience the pain that comes with a thrown out back; here are some tips to help you prevent a thrown out back.
- Practice good posture.
- Do not twist your back when lifting heavy objects.
- When lifting, keep your elbows and arms close to your side.
- Don’t attempt to carry objects that are too heavy for you.
- Don’t bend or twist when sneezing.
- Wear protective equipment like a back brace and wrestling belt when performing your lighting exercise.
- Regular exercise can help strengthen your core muscles and prevent back injuries.