Beginner to Exercising? Here Are Some Basic Tips

beginner workout

Where do you start if your a beginner to exercising…

Check any lists of the best things you could do for your mind and body, you’ll surely see exercise listed there. Once you begin exercises, it is immediately accompanied by benefits. Yet despite these great feelings, it is very difficult to maintain a regular workout schedule. To do this, you must have loads of willpower and determination.

stay focused and determined, Beginner to Exercising
Photo by nappy

If you wanna run down the path of regular exercise then you are in the right article. We discuss all the key things you must learn about creating a routine and staying with it.

Is Exercise all it is Cracked Up to be?

The greatest benefit of exercise is that it helps you achieve and maintain healthy body weight. It builds muscle mass and lowers your risk of diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. Your immune system also gets a boost from you being active.

As it is good for the body, it is great for the mind. It has been found that regular exercise lifts the mood and helps ensure mental health. Exercise also results in better sleep and a better sex life.

Most Popular Exercise Types

Though there are others, these are some of the most popular. They can be done alone or used in combination with more well-rounded benefits.

  • Aerobics: This is usually the main part of many fitness events. It includes running, brisk walking, and skipping. Also referred to as cardio, it is excellent for health and lung health. It involves continuous quick movements.
  • Strength training: This is for building muscle bulk. It helps you get stronger and includes things like weight-lifting, sprinting, and resistance training.
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT): This is made up of short bursts, repetitive, and high-intensity. Followed by lower intensity or rest periods.
hiit exercising for beginners
Photo by Leon Martinez
  • Flexibility: This is for keeping people nimble. It helps muscles recover from the stresses of daily life or exercise. Through Yoga or other kinds of stretching, you can improve range of motion and prevent injury.

Other Tips on Starting Out

  • Consult a doctor

It is necessary to discuss your plan with your doctor and perform a physical examination before commencing a routine. This is especially important if you are 45 or more or not used to high-stress physical activity. It could also help you craft a workout plan that is ideal for you with a personal trainer.

  • Plan ahead with realistic goals

It is good to shoot for the stars on certain occasions but high expectations could lead to disappointment and discouragement. Begin your work plan with easily performed exercise then as you build your strength and stamina, you can increase your limits.

A 5km run goal should be approached cautiously, starting with shorter distances until you can comfortably achieve this. This applies to other kinds of exercise, lighter weights, easier yoga poses, etc.

  • Make it habitual

This is a hard part. Yet, it is easier for people to stick to a routine if they make it a habit. A review of several studies led to the conclusion that the best way of forming a good habit is by performing it whenever the urge to act out an unhealthy behavior is felt. Also, exercising at the same time every day is habit-forming.

What is the Recommended Amount of Exercise

No one advises that you work out like a professional athlete or need to be at it for hours on end before you can exercise. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends at least 150minutes of moderate aerobic activity weekly.

This could be broken down to 30mins of exercise 5 days a week or 40mins of exercise every other day. There are many ways to organize your schedule. Still, it is wise to start slowly and work according to your fitness level.

Tips for Beginners

  • Stay hydrated to optimize performance especially in hot temperatures.
  • Eat right as you can’t outrun a bad diet. All food groups are good for you but portion control is necessary. Carbs in particular give you the energy to exercise.
Photo by Ella Olsson
  • Warm-up to prevent injuries and have better exercise performance. You can warm up with some stretching to prevent cramps and soreness later on. Light aerobics such as leg kicks, arm swings, and walking lunges are excellent.

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