Rejuvenate Your Body By Detoxing Your Liver, Naturally!

Rejuvenate Your Body By Detoxing Your Liver, Naturally

What Is The Liver? What Does It Do?

The liver is one of the body’s largest organs that sits in the upper right quadrant of the stomach, beneath the lungs. As the only internal organ that can regenerate itself, the liver is a very important part of the body system.

Functions of the liver include:

  • Filter blood
  • Detox the body
  • Store essential nutrients
  • Regulate hormones
  • Break down alcohol
  • Breakdown fat

What Can Cause Liver Problems?

Rejuvenate Your Body By Detoxing Your Liver, Naturally!
  1. Medications: many medications meet the liver at some point in their journey to healing. In addition, combining medications with alcohol puts the liver under double the amount of stress, causing irregularity in its functioning.
  2. Too much alcohol: the liver breaks down alcohol for our bodies to get rid of. Too much alcohol or drinking over en extended period of time, however, causes the liver to become fatty. This results in severe inflammation and the liver cannot perform its normal functions, resulting in scarring and cirrhosis (fatty liver).
  3. Hepatitis: a virus in contaminated food/water or drug or alcohol use causes infection/inflammation of the liver.

How Can You Tell Something Is Wrong With Your Liver?

Rejuvenate Your Body By Detoxing Your Liver, Naturally!, confused person question
Photo by Jonathan Andrew


Yellowing of eyes and skin are the primary indication of an (usually more moderate) issue with your liver.


The buildup of toxins and slower function of your system trying to rid these toxins makes it more difficult to use energy efficiently.


Because the body is not releasing toxins efficiently, they begin to weigh you down.

High Cholesterol

Your cholesterol will be out of balance when your body stops regulating fats, causing good cholesterol (HDL) to drop and bad cholesterol (LDL) to increase.


If the liver can’t filter blood appropriately, the buildup can reach the brain and it can actually cause hepatic encephalopathy (reduction in brain function), manifesting as confusion, inability to concentrate, difficult decision-making, and decreased focus.

Mood Changes

In addition to confusion, the buildup of toxins in your brain increases your chances of experiencing depression, anxiety, and irritability.

Weight Gain

Because your liver has stopped metabolizing fat properly, you may notice weight gain and it can become more difficult to lose weight as well.

Benefits Of A Healthy Liver

  • Aid in weight loss
  • Improve focus and mental clarity
  • Increase energy/ decreased fatigue
  • Promote digestion and elimination
  • Balance & regulate hormones

Natural & Gentle Ways To Detox Your Liver And Restore Balance

No added sugars: sugar contributes to fat, causing more stress on your liver and misbalancing hormone and fat regulation.

Watch out for trans-fats: replace unhealthy fats like corn cooking oils and trade them for healthy fats like olive and coconut oil.

Buckle down on the booze: yes, letting go of the alcohol will significantly improve the stress on your liver and allow it to heal itself back to normal.

Tea Time

Rejuvenate Your Body By Detoxing Your Liver, Naturally!, tea nettle
  1. Turmeric Tea
    1. Add a teaspoon of ground turmeric (and black pepper to help with absorption) to a glass of boiling water. Add honey for taste. Enjoy daily. (Purchase here)
  2. Lemon-“Aid”
    1. Add juice from half a lemon to a glass of boiling water. Add honey or freshly grated ginger for taste. Enjoy daily, preferably first thing in the morning.
  3. Nettle Tea
    1. Use loose nettle leaves or a nettle tea bag in a glass of boiling water. Steep for five minutes. Add honey, lemon, or cinnamon for taste. Enjoy.

Trying to quickly fix and completely detoxing the liver in a short amount of time (3 days) is the last way to fully reap the benefits of a healthy functioning liver. In order to feel your best, it is important to balance your system every day with proper daily hydration, adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and regular exercise.

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