Sugar Does That!? What You Need To Know

Sugar. The cocaine of the food chain. Whether or not you realize it, sugar affects the body in many ways. This powerful hormone is a quick and easy source of energy and, let’s be real, happiness. And it is quite literally the source of both. Energy Sugar, also known as...


8 Quick Fixes For Stress Relief – Easy And Effective Ways To Immediately Reduce Stress

If you are human, you are not exempt from the wonderful gift of stress. Stressful thoughts, relationships, school, work, and family life are just the minimum. Western medicine has done its duty of selling remedies for conditions caused by stress, but there are easier ways to manage many situations and...


Pills…Liquids…Creams… Which Medicine Formulation Is Right For You?

Many would agree that one of the worst parts of having to take medicine is…actually taking the medicine. From “horse” pills to sweet flavored syrups to pain-relieving ointments, there are many options for treating your ailments. Not only is having more than one way to take medicine a great marketing...

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